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Autumn Sky

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SWHBK Members' Meetings & Events​


15/01/25        Martin Hann & Clare Densley - 'Feeding bees' - Zoom meeting​

05/02/25       Club AGM and practical session

05/03/25       Peter Higgs (Beegone) - 'Removal of bees from difficult places'

02/04/25       Dan Basterfield - 'Managing common diseases and disorders'

07/05/25       Club practical session

04/06/25       Andy Barnes Willis - 'Wax'

*all meetings take place at Brockenhurst Village Hall on the first Wednesday of each month starting at 19:30, unless otherwise notified.


News 2025


Zoom meeting - 15 January

Welcome to the New Year. Our next meeting is Wednesday 15 January at 19:30.


Two of our favourite speakers are back - Clare Densley & Martin Hann from Buckfast Abbey. Their talk is on 'Feeding Bees'. How, when and why? Different systems will be explored and we'll gain a deeper understanding of how what we do affects the bees' development and survival.


Please note this meeting will be held on Zoom. So look out for the Zoom log in details that will be emailed to all members on Tuesday 14 January.


Festive greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.


Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Christmas quiz and get together iBrokenhurst Manor Golf Course.


As usual the quiz was highly contended and congratulations to Steve Orme and his team which included two members who only joined earlier that year.​



Time saving inventions for beekeepers

Will Steynor has a wealth of experience both as a commercial beekeeper and also as a hobby beekeeper. He started at an early age and event built a WBC hive in woodwork classes when still at school.


He gave an excellent talk on his experience in bee keeping with lots of simple practical ideas on how to make your life easier as a beekeepers. The feedback has been very positive and we'd love to invite him back in the future.


Many of our members left the meeting buzzing with things they wanted to do - think carpentry tools may be on the Christmas lists for this year.


Apiary and apitherapy

Several members spent a sunny Saturday morning in the club apiary preparing the hives for winter. This involved weighing full supers, removing Apivar strips from the brood boxes and placing the full supers under the brood box - commonly known as nadiring. Luckily the weather was fantastic and we finished the task quickly. We are not sure the bees liked us disturbing them though!


Barbara Dalby gave members a talk on 'Apitherapy' in early October. The meeting was well attended and we learnt about how valuable all 'bee products' can be when used in alternative medicine. Such as putting honey on a mouth ulcer to accelerate healing!

Bees at Work



General Enquiries:

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