Jobs for November

Jobs to carry out this month:
Heft your hives and check food supplies and feed fondant if required. Check out December’s hefting tip.
Check your hives are secure and not damaged after strong winds and adverse weather. Look for evidence of water ingress through roofs and corners.
Consider insulation on hives in exposed positions and insulate all deep roofs. Look at this month’s insulation tips.
Check that hive entrances are clear of leaves, dead bees or other such debris. Cut back grass and foliage under and around your hives to reduce dampness.
Continue to monitor varroa drop and plan further treatment if needed and keep Varroa floor inserts clear of debris that may allow wax moth to breed.
Complete cleaning, repairing, sterilising and storing your equipment keeping stored comb protected against damp, mice and wax moth.
Complete your colony records and your varroa treatment record card if applicable and evaluate your beekeeping season and make plans for the new one.
Melt down and clean all those bits of wax and make candles, hand cream, soap.
Frequency of visits – monthly