Jobs for June

Jobs to carry out this month:
Continue weekly inspections and undertake swarm control if required. Maintain your records - memories aren’t what they could be.
During ‘June gap’ if food stores are low, feed 1:1 syrup in a contact or rapid feeder. Reduce the hive entrance to avoid robbing taking place.
Ensure water is available – foraging and making honey is thirsty work.
Add another super when the current one is almost full of bees, not honey.
Check for queen cells and mark any new queens with the years designated colour.
Continue to replace any dirty / damaged frames as required or scheduled.
Monitor for varroa: an average daily mite fall of 10 or more could mean the colony has a problem and needs treating if that’s a regime you use. MAQS can be used with honey supers on (but check the packaging for the correct use).
Visit local nurseries every month and see which plants are attracting honey bees - see this month’s tip for ideas for plants to cover the ‘June gap’.
Continue monitoring for Asian hornets in your apiary. Baits can now be protein-based or sweet liquid based and offered in an open dish to avoid bycatch - keep away from your hives.
Frequency of apiary visits – weekly