Jobs for January

Jobs to carry out this month:
• Regularly check hives for damage by animals, woodpeckers or weather and check roofs for signs of leaks - take a dry roof with you just in case.
• Check that entrances are not blocked by snow or dead bees.
• Keep on hefting to check the weight of stores left in the hive: feed with fondant or candy if necessary - check out this month’s feeding tip.
• Treat colonies for varroa with oxalic acid but do it during a cold snap early in the month or you risk damage to brood if the queen starts laying.
• If you haven’t done it already - check, repair and clean all your equipment including brood and super boxes and frames, queen excluders
• Finalise your plan for the beekeeping season
• Read, learn and refresh your beekeeping knowledge.
Frequency of apiary visits - monthly (more often if windy to ensure hives are stable).